Thursday, June 4, 2009

Splendid Lady

The Splendid Lady
My mind is scrambling
In selecting suitable terms
I scratch my head
My toes, my knees
And take a long deep sigh
But still its Jo
That spheres the universe of my head

In front of me
A simple question appeared
Who's Jo?
Who really she is?

No answer revealed, except
The deafening silence
That reverberates to my ears

To peers and acquaintances
For the simplest, she's Jo
The simple and silent type lady
Her serenity is a symbol
Of unfathomable deepness
Her simplicity
Reveals devotion and sincerity
And her smile
Her pleasing enchanting smile
Promises the joy of coming days

Her words, though limited
Are refined and full of encouragement
Her eyes, behind the lenses
Are twinkling jewels
Of hope and contentment
Her bearing as she gait
Is a telltale of a dignified lady
And in her person
A sister, a friend, and a beloved
All are present

Its Jo, The Splendid Lady
And of regal personality

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